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How it works

  1. Select origin, dates and destination for your transfer from or to some of the airports where we operate.
  2. Select the type of vehicle depending on your needs and the luggage you're carrying with you.
  3. Fill in the contact details and you only need to confirm your tickets in order to travel with us.

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    Always in time

Unic Transfers

  • Travel
    does not have
    to be expensive

Transfers from and to the most important spanish airports


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    Automobile Barcelona 2017

    We have closed yet another edition of Automobile Barcelona.
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    Farewell of the Vicente Calderón

    How to explain what can not be understood.
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    Barcelona Formula 1

    Like every year, for the month of May, Barcelona is conquered by motor lovers.
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    Music festivals arrive

    As every year music festivals come to Barcelona.
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    A legend to dismiss the Temple

    Everything is being very emotional and practically perfect in the farewell of the Vicente Calderón stadium.